The Annual Steam Rally 2024

  The Annual Steam Rally Fair set in the beautiful grounds of Shanes Castle in Antrim began with glorious sunshine as our member’s arrived on Friday 3rd May from 3pm. Many of whom were greeted by one of our own who works there yearly at the entrance gates. A brief “Meet” at “The Big Tree” at 6.30 pm to meet new members to the club was done. Despite a few “big trees” in the field, we managed to achieve this! Music was provided for us all at the main stage from 7-11pm which some of us went to. Saturday was a drizzly and cloudier day and some took a walk around the site to see what had been set up. Again, music was on from 6.30-11pm. 

  The show was open to the public from Sunday, so members went to see all that was on offer, from, of course the steam engines (stars of the show), of which there were 48 large ones and 30 miniature ones, to classic cars, tractors and lorries. Lots of stalls selling anything from crafts to gins to toys to food. Other attractions were birds of prey, steam rides, amusement rides, thresher demos to name a few! Our working member was seen rooming around in his golf kart, so he was a happy man, helping those who needed a lift to and from their cars. As well as joining one of the groups on stage. 

  Lots of eateries were frequented and a certain man had his picture taken consuming a large ice cream! (Proof in gallery photos) Again, some members enjoyed the music entertainment which went on all day. Monday was a better day, weather wise, and some members walked again around the show grounds. Some left for home at various times leaving a small contingent staying until Tuesday. A great event – here’s to the 25th celebrations next year!

Adeline McClenaghan