MCCNI High School 15th-17th March. The hosts Isaac and Pauline Grant & Ernie and Sue Corry who welcomed and parked up 30 vans.
Everyone was welcomed in the hall on Friday night with a green cocktail (mixed kindly by Harry and Jane Aston. People could choose from either an alcoholic or non- alcoholic cocktail. Both were received very well.
The hall was decorated with various St Patrick decorations and props were available for festive photos. Some people decorated their tables and dressed in green. Mystery Bag game was organised by Harry and Jane Aston and Sam Arlow’s table won the prize. This was followed by pass the parcel with 4 teams winning a shamrock paper weight supplied by Nicky Brady.
For supper and in keeping with St Patrick’s theme every one received a slice of Apple Tart with cream which was enjoyed by all. Background music was provided by Roy Dowie while everyone chatted and caught up with friends.
Saturday morning started off dry and sunny and Jane Aston took part in the 5k run in Rostrevor. Well done Jane as this was a tough run. Rain started mid-morning and didn’t stop until approx. 7pm. Some people headed to Newry city for shopping/ food while others stayed in their vans chatting and watching the football followed by the Rugby final between Ireland and Scotland and Ireland Won of course! Saturday morning the ladies met for a craft morning with Selma McMullen followed by Chair Yoga by Pauline Grant. The men met for a chat (WHAT YOU KNOW).
Music was provided on Saturday night by Colin Hanley and everyone danced to late. Christine brought a birthday cake for David Davidson to celebrate his 75th birthday and everyone received a slice of the gorgeous cake.
On Sunday morning we met in hall for coffee and tea which was provided by the committee and biscuits were supplied by the hosts. The Chairman was unable to attend the Rally so Roy Dowie thanked the hosts for hosting the great weekend.
He welcomed new members to the club - Mark and Jacqueline Hutchinson. He wished happy birthday to Jenny Dowie, Eleanor McFadden and special 75th birthday to David Davidson. He congratulated Victor and Eleanor McFadden on their 55th Wedding anniversary.
The winners of the number plate draw were Tommy and Diane Wade and Elmer and Selma McMullen. £150 was raised in the raffle on Saturday night. Ernie thanked Harry and Jane Aston for helping out on Friday night which was very much appreciated and thanked everyone for attending the rally.
Roy concluded by wishing everyone a safe journey home. Isaac and Pauline Grant.