.We had a great turnout of 42 Motorhomes parked up at Gibson Primary School, Omagh – all there to enjoy a brilliant weekend of fun, shopping and entertainment.

Thank you to our hosts Thelma and David Kyle Ewing, Jenny Dowie and Sam Arlow for parking up the vans and checking everyone in at the entrance.

Friday evening there was a meet and greet in the hall to enjoy a bit of craic and easy listening music. Sam Arlow held a Quiz with a twist by providing answers to select from. This was followed by a game of sliding £1 coins across the floor trying to win the bottle of whisky which was provided by our Chairman David. This raised £91 for the Alzheimer’s Society.

Saturday morning and beautiful weather gave the opportunity to enjoy shopping in Omagh town, a walk along the River Drumragh or a visit to the Ulster American Folk Park. The park was developed around The Mellon Family homestead. The family emigrated to America in early 1800s, when young Thomas Mellon was 5 years old, he went on to become an outstanding entrepreneur and founded the famous Mellon Bank dynasty. Saturday evening everyone gathered again in the hall to enjoy the music and excellent singing of Malcolm Coulter – dancing and a raffle with many prize winners – a brilliant night.

Sunday and at 11am we met in the hall once again to hear the latest updates from our Chairman David Kyle Ewing.

David thanked everyone who contributed over the weekend. New members were introduced and welcomed to the club –

Billy and Michelle McBride. Sandra Dunn and Eric McLean have a new van and re-joined the club (Sandra is a sister of club members the Ross brothers)

Other members who have new vans are: - Willie and Dorothy Graham and Winston and Margaret Jardine

Birthday wishes to Maurice McIlhagga

The raffle on Saturday evening made £216.30

We have a little one named Emily in the group and she was thanked for her help over the weekend with her favourite sweets.

The number plates draw was won by Diane Waide and Irene Hewitt. .

David announced that Sam Arlow is taking up the position of Vice Chairman.

Thank you Sam and a big thank you to everyone on the Committee – everything you do for the Club is much appreciated.