Iris McEwan Secretary MCC NI16th March 2024 at Newry at 11.30Apologies from Barbara McIlhagga Mervyn Pyper Dessie RossIn attendance David Kyle Ewing,Betty Stewart,Iris McEwan, Selma McMullan, Sam Arlow,David Davidson,Jenny Dowie, Roy Dowie,Robert McEwan,
1. Selma has agreed to do the coffee mornings again at 11am on Sundays.
2. The email from Evie Pirie was discussed and agreed the matter was now closed. A reply to this effect was to be sent.
3. Betty has agreed to do Treasurer and will stand down as vice chairman.Betty’s name to be added to The Santander account as a second signatory application form completed for bank.
4. Arrange Adding Andy Clarke to Webpage to assist William Tinsley.
5. David Davidson to hold all items of MCC NI equipment and sell, dispose, redistribute unused items.
6. Metal Box belonging to David Davidson to be returned.
7. Selma to buy strong boxes for crockery to replace item 6 above.
8. North West 200 at Portrush to be paid by Bank Transfer to David Chairman he will print lists for Treasurer’s books.
9. Hosts at Easter Rally to arrange Program for the day they are on duty and display details on Whiteboard.
10. The group financial situation was outlined by the Chairman who stated the group had some £17,000 to hand. Minutes of Committee meeting, Newry High School, Saturday 16/03/2024 forwarded for your approval, amendment or addition to.Iris McEwan Secretary MCC NI Approved and pasted 21st March 2024.David Kyle-Ewing.Chairman MCCNI.