Burns Night Newtownards 2025

Our “BURNS NIGHT” Celebrations took place a week later than planned due to Storm Eowyn, however this did not deter the members from attending as 33 vans were parked up at Regent House Grammar School. Our hosts for the weekend Selma + Elmer McMullan were ably assisted by Maud + Mervyn Ross. They warmly welcomed us with a welcome sheet while the men safely parked us all. Friday night saw everyone meet in the hall for some chat and a catch up. Some of the members participated in learning how to do the Virgina Reel, However, after many attempts, lots of laughter and mayhem we still require more practice! On Saturday some of the members went into the town for retail therapy while others watched the Six Nations Rugby at the local Legion Club after having a bite to eat. It was during this time that we learnt of ‘Turnip Gate’ thankfully the mysterious disappearing of the NEEPS was soon resolved! While some of us enjoyed the afternoon Selma and her team were busy preparing Haggis,  Neeps and Tatties. The tables were beautifully decorated with floral and tartan displays. At7.30 Matthew Wallace piped the haggis in accompanied by Mervyn Ross and Jane Aston. Jane eloquently gave the Haggis address and this was followed by everyone enjoying a tasty meal, dessert and a little nip of Whiskey. Sam Arlow gave a fair and humorous speech on behalf of the Laddies, a light hearted response was followed from the lassies by Jacqueline Hutchison. We had live music provided by Dave Kane and this saw many members dance the night away. During the Interval we had our raffle with lots of prizes generously donated, Thank you to all who contributed. Sunday morning we met for our usual coffee, tea and buns provided by our Hosts. Selma thanked her team who helped prepare and serve the Burns Night meal. Our Chairman Sam thanked the Hosts for another fantastic rally, he also congratulated three couples who have recently purchased new motorhomes, Isaac + Pauline Grant, Ernie +Sue Corry and Jackie +Mary Hoey. Several members were celebrating birthdays and good wishes was conveyed to them also. He welcomed new members Anthony +Michelle Friar. The number plate draw was won by Caryn + Garry Brown and Jane + Harry Aston. We look forward to welcoming everyone to our next Rally for Valentines weekend. Jacqueline Hutchison.