25th Anniversary

  The MCCNI Group: “The“Baby” is now 25years old and still growing !The 22nd January 2000 saw the inception of the first properly constituted motorhome group in Northern Ireland, when some 22 persons congregated at The Ramble Inn, Antrim for their inaugural meeting of what was to become the N.I. group of “ The Motorcaravanners Club”. 

  It appears from records that one of the key reasons for affiliating to the MCC based in England was to secure insurance which was proving to be prohibitively expensive for a small start-up group, being under the auspices of The MCC provided insurance, assurance and benefits accruing from being part of a much larger entity. Dessie Donaldson was the first appointed Chairman of the fledgling group, a role he would fulfil for about one year before leaving and reverting, it is believed, to caravanning. Replacing Dessie Donaldson as Chairman was William McCullough who remained in the role for some 4 years before becoming a Council of Management member and being replaced by David Davidson who served for a similar period of time as group Chairman. The committees of those formative years were industrious and hard working laying the foundations for an extremely successful group. 

  The late Robert Strain followed David Davidson as Chairperson and continued to grow the group and organised a Continental rally adding diversification to the menu. During Robert’s tenure of office, the group celebrated, it’s 10th anniversary when, amongst other activities there was a coach trip to Glenveagh National Park, Donegal where a complimentary picnic was provided whilst, in the meantime, a more nourishing meal of Irish stew, curry and rice etc. was prepared at base camp, City of Derry rugby club, in the late evening. 

  2011 and Dessie Ross became chairman for the next five years, one of the highlights of this period was the hosting of the National Rally 2014, this is the annual AGM etc. of the MCC and attracted a record attendance of members from overseas groups to Ireland, on the first occasion that this prestigious event was hosted by the N.I. group. 

  Following on as Chairman was Joe Little. June of 2018 our group embarked on a challenging 625-mile circuitous sponsored walk along the entirety of the “Ulster Way” and raised a magnificent sum of £17,820.00 which was donated to the air ambulance appeal. Joe remained Chairman throughout the covid period and was replaced by Joe McClune as Chair for one year before David Kyle-Ewing stepped up and was in office for two years before being replaced by the incumbent Sam Arlow (2024). 

  The 25th (silver) anniversary of our NI group will be celebrated in many ways throughout the year. On the week-end of the 10th to 12th January 2025 the first manifestation of that intent was evidenced at the annual dinner dance, held at the Ross Park hotel, Kells, Co. Antrim. There some 100 members and friends enjoyed a memorable week-end and many were pleased to be winners in the free draw which amounted to approximately £1,000, half of which was cash and half in prizes of varying amounts including bottles of sprits, hampers etc. A beautiful 25th anniversary cake also marked the occasion. 

  Being the most recent group of the MCC to be formed and therefore qualifying as the “baby” of the MCC has not prevented the NI group from being one of the most successful within the club, frequently vying for and often winning the most prestigious awards for recruitment ofmembers and retention of same. It’s a status and reputation we are determined to maintain. 

  We have this year purchased Shamrock shaped window stickers which all 316 members received in their new 2025 Handbook. Anyone visiting one of our rallies this year will receive one. Look forward to another great year ahead in this great Club. Dessie Ross.